
Our Expertise

Our expertise is grounded in years of academic research, study, product testing and development, and consultation conducted by recognized faculty, students, and campus-wide resources. We collaborate frequently with organizations and industry leaders locally and globally to create new and exciting products, services, and studies in the sports world.

All of this equals a comprehensive and extensive list of people, places, and products we can provide to your company to work with you and deliver exceptional results. 


David Pierce, Ph.D.

Institute Director

317.278.1645; dpierce3@iu.edu

As the Sports Innovation Institute leader, David Pierce and his students collaborate on the business side of sports with the likes of the Indianapolis Colts, Indianapolis Indians, NCAA, Incrediplex, Grand Park, Beyond Monumental, and more. Pierce's work in sports fan experiences, marketing, and management, delivers evidence-based solutions to clients. 

Career Highlights & Credentials

Geoffre Sherman, Ph.D.

Project Manager & Communications

317.274.9520; gnsherma@iu.edu

Serving as David Pierce's number two, Geoff Sherman's decade of industry experience includes professional teams and college athletics. He and his students work with the Indianapolis Colts and Indians as well as the Indiana Pacers and Fever, transforming the classroom and offering client solutions via industry-based consulting projects.

Career Highlights & Credientials